!1925 Fult/KY letters in PFR file; good/bad info
1932 Comp. of Amer. Gene by Virkus Vol 5, p497; not good
1936 Fult/KY letters to PFR; stepgmothers maiden name
1948 Fult/KY Fairview cem, burial
1985 Her papers/notes in poss of Mrs Betsy West, Memphis
1985 Letters fr/to Mrs Betsy West who has some of Agnes letters
2000 Info from Chuck Batherson; her dau, sarah Catron Smith wrote a 16 page story called, "Taddie's Story." undated but written after her mother died from text. Copy in files
Note: Her contributions are very suspect as to accuracy
Note: Her DAR very bad; no evidence of claims
Note: Had four dau's; at least two went to college