!1814 Smit/TN Enl 1st Regt Mtd Gunmen (Dyer's); as Jr? (younger in Co .)
1816 Smit/TN WB 4 p68 at sale James Burchett as John H
1820 Smit/TN 100010-30010 p79; as John H
1828 Smit/TN Will of Wm Moore; a wit; bal on Inv Bk
1830 Smit/TN 03000010-201201 as John H
1840 Sumt/AL 01101001-1110001 p107
1846 Itwa/MS DB 5 p520 Ld fr Samuel Cook; Jan 22; to John H, junior ( son)
1847 Marr Mrs Mary Webb, widow
1850 Itwa/MS p407-wife/stepch; his ch are in same area
1850 Itwa/MS Bty Ld appl; Nov 8; age, 58: War of 1812
1851 Itwa/MS DB sold 1846 land; signed John/Mary; Jan 8
1853 Itwa/MS DB 10 to John Webb; signed John/Mary; Nov 4
1853 Itwa/MS DB 13 to Wm Senter; Nov 4
1855 Mari/AL Bty Ld appl, May 17; age 60
1860 Mari/AL #309-wife/stepdau/stepdau's ch
1871 Mari/AL Pension appl; age 79, wife; Sarah, m 1812; in Sanf/AL
Note: He was juror in 1812, Smit/TN so > 21 then
Note: E41 and E21 may be reversed as to parents; no hard evidence