1. James H Paschall, b. January 04, 1839 | See James H Paschall & Sarah B Morrison |
!1832 Cham/AL Creek War; Webb's Batt, AL Mtd Mil, Inf
1834 Putn/GA DB Q219 sold part of lot #235 (his father's land)
1840 Cham/AL 100001-00001 p205 as Elijah
1845 Cham/AL 4 ch di-yng not listed here
1848 Lafa/AR AR Ld Rec; 12 records to 1859
1850 Lafa/AR Union twp p175-wife/3 sons
1860 Colu/AR Calhoun #522-wife/8 ch
1880 Colu/AR Calhoun-widower/7 ch
1890 Goodspeed Hist, Columbia Co p462; petit juror, 1850
1969 Paschal Gene by Rosa Price Paschal has much info
1986 Rec to Berniece Coyle fr Mrs T P Hooks; LDS records